
Haitian Vodou by Mambo Chita Tann


About Indigenous Spiritual Traditions and Cultural Appropriation

PART I: What is Haitian Vodou?
Chapter 1: Zo Li Mache: How Haiti, and Haitian Vodou, Came to Be
Chapter 2: Apre Bondye: Basic Principles and Ethics of Haitian Vodou
Chapter 3: What Haitian Vodou is Not: Confusions and Controversies

PART II: Lezanj: Meet the 21 Nations of the Lwa
Chapter 4: The Rada Lwa
Chapter 5: The Petro (Petwo) Lwa
Chapter 6: The Gede Lwa
Chapter 7: Other Lwa

PART III: Seremoni: Haitian Vodou Ceremonies and Rites of Passage
Chapter 8: Sevi Lwa: Serving the Lwa
Chapter 9: Wanga: Haitian Vodou Magic
Chapter 10: Sosyete: The Vodou Family, Initiation, and Practice
Chapter 11: First Steps in Haitian Vodou

Appendix 1: Glossary
Appendix 2: Haiti Timeline
Appendix 3: Priye Katolik (Catholic Prayers)
Appendix 4: Lwa Table of Correspondences

Further Reading/Online Resources
